LG and I returned from our wonderful honeymoon on Sunday. We spent a lovely week and a half in Seattle and Alaska, most of it on the MS Zaandam, our Holland America cruise ship.

We had a lovely room with a sofa, refrigerator, and balcony...

from which we could see wonderful sights

On the first day, we cruised from Seattle, passing the famous Space Needle (which is not as tall as I thought it would be).

On day two, there was some bad weather. We both got a little seasick, so there are no pictures from that day. By the evening, we were feeling better, but the day was kinda lost. Luckily it was just an "At Sea" day, so there was very little to miss.
On day three we arrived in the city of Juneau. The city was very small, especially for a state capital, but was perfectly quaint and welcoming. The ship arrived in port at noon and we disembarked soon after.

From the port in Juneau we took a bus to an airfield where we climbed aboard a small helicopter and were flown over beautiful mountains and the gigantic Mendenhall Glacier.

We then landed on the glacier, in front of a large camp of sled dogs. We then climbed aboard the dogsled and went on a short, but exciting ride. We were also able to drive the dogsled at a couple points. It was very cool.

After the dog-sledding, we went on a whale-watching expedition. There we were lucky enough to encounter a "super pod" of Orcas/Killer whales. There were about 60 Orcas swimming all around the boat. It was very cool. The photos do not do the event justice, mostly because I was never fast enough with the camera to capture the whales as they broke the surface to the water.

Thus ends the first three days of the cruise, but I will continue with another installment later today or tomorrow.
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