Excitement mounts
Today is my last day of work for the next two weeks. I am about to embark (with my lovely bride) on our honeymoon. We are taking a cruise to Alaska on the Holland-America line. I am so excited for this trip, for many reasons. Not only will I be able to go on a magnificent vacation with the person I love (which we haven't done in a long while) but I will also get to see a part of the world that is completely new to me. I have been to many states in the lower 48, and while they are different from one another, you are still in "America" and it never feels like you are truly far from where you started. With Alaska, though, I imagine that it will feel very different, like a different country. At least I hope it feels that way. Granted, I will be riding in a gigantic boat filled with well-to-do people and retirees so the presence of all things American will still exist. But I hope that when we step off the boat and venture around the towns and cities of Alaska, we will see the unexpected and unique.
Either that or it will just be a cold version of Tennessee.

Another reason that I am excited for this trip is that I will get to spend a few days in Seattle in the company of my friend JL (who served as one of my best men). I haven't yet been to Seattle and he talks highly of it, so I'm eager to check out the city that brought us Nirvana and Starbucks (though those two really cancel each other out in my mind.) I'm sure that JL will have some cool spots to visit, beyond the Space Needle that is. For my money, though, I'd be just as happy sitting around his house, drinking wine and smoking cloves. We'll get some of that in too, undoubtedly.

The final reason that I am excited for the trip is...
Between the wedding and the new job, I'm just down and out beat. It will be so nice to be pampered and catered to on the cruise. FB and I have been going non-stop for the past few months. Looking back on everything, I don't know how I managed to get everything done without messing it all up. Somehow, among the graduations and birthdays, I managed to apply for, interview for, and get a new job. Way too much stuff going on at once. So, I will sit back and relax and be lazy for most of the cruise, gorging on room service and midnight buffets. I can't wait!
Either that or it will just be a cold version of Tennessee.

Another reason that I am excited for this trip is that I will get to spend a few days in Seattle in the company of my friend JL (who served as one of my best men). I haven't yet been to Seattle and he talks highly of it, so I'm eager to check out the city that brought us Nirvana and Starbucks (though those two really cancel each other out in my mind.) I'm sure that JL will have some cool spots to visit, beyond the Space Needle that is. For my money, though, I'd be just as happy sitting around his house, drinking wine and smoking cloves. We'll get some of that in too, undoubtedly.

The final reason that I am excited for the trip is...
Between the wedding and the new job, I'm just down and out beat. It will be so nice to be pampered and catered to on the cruise. FB and I have been going non-stop for the past few months. Looking back on everything, I don't know how I managed to get everything done without messing it all up. Somehow, among the graduations and birthdays, I managed to apply for, interview for, and get a new job. Way too much stuff going on at once. So, I will sit back and relax and be lazy for most of the cruise, gorging on room service and midnight buffets. I can't wait!

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