The 40-year Old Boring
The other day Netflix sent me "The 40-Year Old Virgin." I had been looking forward to seeing this movie for a little while. When it was in the theaters I tried to convince LG to come with me to see it, but she refused. And wisely. I ended up missing it and had to wait until it was available on DVD. Even then I had to keep waiting as it sat on my Netflix queue with "Very Long Wait" and "Long Wait" next to its name.
"Boy," I thought, "this has to be a good movie, look at all the people who want to watch it."
My expectations were high, but misguided. When I finally sat down and watched the film (an extended 2-hour plus edition) I was completely underwhelmed. The film relied on the lowest, most base forms of sexual humor. And it wasn't even crude enough for me to respect it. Between the "you're gay" jokes and the "bouncing titties" jokes, the funny was missing.
I will admit that I did chuckle a few times and even laugh loudly on rare occassions, but that was it. There was only one scene that I found to be hilarious. Steve Carell's character is getting his chest waxed and his three friends are there with him to offer their support. The entire scene is just an endless tirade of foul language and incoherent babbling by Carell as the stereotypically Asian woman rips giant chunks of hair from his chest. After a little while, but before finishing the waxing, Carell gets off the table and says he's had enough. His chest is completely bare in three or four spots, while the rest is still hairy. Here's the best picture I could find:

Carell begins to walk out and one of his friends looks at his chest and says: "Dude, you look like a Man-O-Lantern." That was the funniest line of the whole movie.
Overall, I say that you should not watch this movie. It was a waste of 2 hours and of a spot in my Netflix list.
"Boy," I thought, "this has to be a good movie, look at all the people who want to watch it."
My expectations were high, but misguided. When I finally sat down and watched the film (an extended 2-hour plus edition) I was completely underwhelmed. The film relied on the lowest, most base forms of sexual humor. And it wasn't even crude enough for me to respect it. Between the "you're gay" jokes and the "bouncing titties" jokes, the funny was missing.
I will admit that I did chuckle a few times and even laugh loudly on rare occassions, but that was it. There was only one scene that I found to be hilarious. Steve Carell's character is getting his chest waxed and his three friends are there with him to offer their support. The entire scene is just an endless tirade of foul language and incoherent babbling by Carell as the stereotypically Asian woman rips giant chunks of hair from his chest. After a little while, but before finishing the waxing, Carell gets off the table and says he's had enough. His chest is completely bare in three or four spots, while the rest is still hairy. Here's the best picture I could find:

Carell begins to walk out and one of his friends looks at his chest and says: "Dude, you look like a Man-O-Lantern." That was the funniest line of the whole movie.
Overall, I say that you should not watch this movie. It was a waste of 2 hours and of a spot in my Netflix list.
Well then, all of us in the midwest disagree with you. WE all found it funny.
Must be your more liberal, worldly surroundings that has made you more discerning and sensative.
We mid-continenters find humor in the smallest of things, such as "Two-and-a-half Men."
This rube plans to miss it. Thanks for the warning
Oh my. I thought it was hilarious! Except for the two dogs doing it. What is so damn funny about that?!
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