I am the world's shittiest, most noncommital, lackluster blogger. I have no grand illusions of being able change that, but maybe I can at least throw out the occassional post as I venture home from work.
It is about 10:30 right now and I am just leaving the office, which tells you what kind of a crappy day it was. Plus, just as I am typing this out on my Blackberry, a very tall woman fell on top of me as the subway jerked out a station, causing her not too tiny breasts to nearly hit my face and, thereby, causing me to jerk my head back and smack it against the subway car window...which I am sure is home to millions of disease-causing bacteria.
The Amazon has since sat down next to me and is probably reading this as I type. Let me check. Nope, her eyes are squarely settled on her magazine. Unless she did read what I was writing and by the time I finished typing "Let me check" she had time to look away and pretend not to be reading over my shoulder. It's a damn paradox!
That little excursion aside, I will get back to the true purpose of this blog post: writing about writing about blogging (or, if Amazon is still paying attention, then reading about writing about writing). As I mentioned above, I am using my Blackberry to type this soliloquy out. This fun and fancy device was bequeathed to me by the fine folks at my work. In theory, it was supposed to allow me to leave the office at a normal hour and be able to email easily on the road and at home. Seeing as I worked a 13 hour day today, it's not really doing quite a good job. Actually, I shouldn't discount it too much. On numerous occassions over the past month or so that I've had it, the Blackberry has come in quite handy. Aside from using it as a GPS navigator, a quick way to surf the internet, and a shortcut for checking my gmail, I have been able to get out of the office, go out with friends and still do some work. A perfect example of such an occasion is our weekly Thursday night movies. Every Thursday over the summer, there are free outdoor movies shown at the Brooklyn Bridge Park (google it if you're interested since one of the downfalls of blogging on the subway is lack of internet access to find and copy links). So every Thursday a group of us bring some blankets, snacks, and wine and chill out under the stars (or, rather, tail lights from the bridge overhead). It's quite a fun time and one of the "New York moments" I most enjoy. Last week's movie in particular was quite an experience: we were getting ready for the movie (Invasion of the Body Snatchers) to start when fireworks started going off down the river, behind the screen. The fireworks were quite spectacular and, coupled with the faux art waterfall on the river, made for one hell of a scene. And, right before all that was going on, I was emailing a coworker on my Blackberry--instead of staying late at the office and running over to the movie just at it started. Well, I don't know where this whole thing is going and my stop is about to come up, so I will leave it there. Time to email Blogger with this post and see if mobile blogging works. Until next time! Whenever that is.
Wow, three posts in three days! I'm buying stock in Blackberry!!!
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