#1. Yesterday was the last day of my ‘1000 words a day’ writing challenge. Sadly, I came up short. The goal of the past three months was to finish the month of October with 100,000 words. As of last night, I had reached 95,630 words, 4,370 words off pace. Now, it’s not too bad a miss, and I did manage to write at least something most every day. In the end, I averaged 919 words a day…so close to the set goal. Regardless of how close I was, I think that the novel is coming together very nicely. I am nearing its completion and hope to have a first draft done soon. Thanks all for your patience, I’ll be returning in full-force soon enough.
#2. As you all know, Halloween was last night. It was insane in NYC. I had never experienced a New York Halloween before last night, it was quite something. A few friends and I dressed up (my costume was a Ringwraith from LOTR—slightly lame, definitely so two years ago, but on sale and easy to put on) and headed over to the Halloween parade with about two million other New Yorkers. My talented friend David dressed up as a creepy, psychotic clown. His costume was very well-done, with foam latex facial features turning his normal, nice face into this:

As we left the parade area, after only a little while because we couldn’t see much from our vantage point, dozens of people stopped David to take his picture. It felt like what friends of celebrities must go through. People would stop David and we would stand off to the side, trying not to get into the picture. Of course, I don’t blame them; he looked pretty cool. I have a picture of us together which I will post later. In the end, I left the festivities pretty early. Our cat is sick and we had to take care of her last night, including collecting urine sample from her—which was not that easy.
As we walked around the city, I saw some interesting costumes, including Count Chocula, a guy with a very real looking horse head, and at least three men dressed as pregnant nuns. Perhaps the highlight of the evening, however, came not from someone in costume but someone on a cell phone. As I was leaving the area to head home I walked past an NYU building and saw a young guy (20 or so) talking on his cell phone. As I passed him, all I heard him say was: “Don’t be such a fucking bitch. I love you.” Classy.
Well, that’s a brief recap of last night’s fun. I’ll share more pictures later tonight or tomorrow. Hope you all had a fun Halloween!
Holy crap, that's awful!
I'm gonna kill you, Spec!
No, it's brilliant, it's kookie, it's bananular!
I'd never seen this version. Check out this skit featuring the song:
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